Sheldon O. Cooper

My little Shelly-belly!

In March 2013, I was left with a gaping hole in my heart when my beloved black cat Oliver Twist passed away at the age of 16 years and almost 8 months. Unable to bear the emptiness any longer and determined to rescue another cat in need to honor the life of my O-Man, I drove out to the local animal shelter on April 16, 2013, to look at a long-haired black kitty that I had seen on their website. I got there early because I wanted first dibs on “Storm.” I finally found him, and his cage card said he was a Personal Assistant, exactly what I was looking for! Soon I was approached by a nice woman who started asking questions about what kinds of cats I liked. Before I knew it, I was being led to a back room as this woman was describing a young cat that had been hanging around her barn for months: he’d finally found his way into her house through the doggy door, and he’d been trying to make himself at home for the last 3 days! Her resident cat, however, kept beating him up, so she couldn’t keep the barn kitty.

Suddenly I was looking at a gorgeous, long-haired red tabby. He was an undeniably adorable purring machine, enthusiastically head-bumping me and parading around the room. However, I still wanted to see that black kitty, so we went to another room and brought in Storm, but he and I just didn’t have a connection. I waited for him to warm up to me, because my PLAN was to adopt that handsome boy. It wasn’t happening. I found myself agreeing to take home the loveable ginger-furred mouser! Arrangements were made to have him neutered that afternoon, and for me to come back the next morning to finalize the adoption. “Tommy’s” rescuer – the president of the animal shelter! – met me there to say goodbye to him, and she was so relieved that he was going to a hand-picked, loving new home, she gave me a big hug!

This fun-loving bundle of energy has filled my every day since with love and laughter! I give thanks to my sweet Oliver T., because I believe with all my heart that he orchestrated the whole thing and brought me together with Judy and Tommy – who was quickly renamed “Sheldon O. Cooper.” I considered calling him “Bazinga,” since I had set out to get one particular cat, but BAZINGA! the joke was on me and the cat spirits had another cat in mind entirely! Instead, I named this sweet boy after the tv character who coined the word “Bazinga,” Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper. But I gave my Shel the middle initial “O” … in memory of Oliver.

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