Sheldon’s Spot: My Favorite Toys, Part I

Hi everyone! My name is Sheldon O. Cooper, and I’m Nebraska Jedi’s guest blogger today! (I really don’t know what a blogger is, but I know she’s my mama!) Mama asked me to take the spotlight today and tell you all about one of my favorite toys: the Cat Dancer.

In a word, it is PAWESOME!  According to the interwebs, way back in 1983 the Cat Dancer was the first nationally marketed interactive cat toy (which means toys that are designed to be used by a cat and its human at the same time.) The toy is simply made of a piece of wire and a bunch of little, tiny, tightly wound rolls of cardboard (what kitty doesn’t like cardboard, right?!) but it is more fun than most of the more complicated gizmos that you have probably seen on the meow market.

The Cat Dancer package

The Cat Dancer package

I know exactly where Mama keeps the Cat Dancers when we are not playing with one of them (we have two!) and if she goes near that cupboard or drawer, I get very excited and will chirp and meow until Mama gets out the Cat Dancer! Playing is easy for Mama: all she has to do is hold one end of the Cat Dancer and either bounce the other end around, drag it across the floor really fast, or twirl it up and down and all around. I get to chase after the end with all the little cardboard pieces, jump up in the air, throw myself around, do somersaults, spin in circles, and pounce!!!!  Like I said before, it is PAWESOME!  Except for that one time a few years ago when I actually spun myself dizzy and almost fell over … I learned not to do THAT anymore, and I only spin around a few times before stopping, and then I wait to see where the little cardboard pieces are going next.  Anyway, this toy is so much fun that even lazy Harry Potter (my “uncle” Harry) will play with it for a few minutes at a time, and that is saying something!  It’s hard for Mama to take pictures of me playing while she is playing with me, but here are a few photos of me having fun with the Cat Dancer a few days ago …

My "Cat-Dancer" face!

My “Cat-Dancer” face!

This is one of my dances!

This is one of my dances!

I am ignoring the prey on purpose, lulling it into a false sense of security ...

I am ignoring the prey on purpose, lulling it into a false sense of security …

Mama says that you can buy this toy at almost any good pet supply store or lots of places on the interwebs, and it is usually no more than $3 or $4 (US monies) and besides that it lasts a really really long time. Eventually the wire might get a little bent out of shape, but more likely your kitty will chew or rip up the cardboard pieces first, and then you will need to get a new Cat Dancer.  Also, you should probably put the toy away when it is not in use, just to be on the safe side.  Also, you should always remember that having two Cat Dancers is better than just one! And most impurrtantly, remember this:

Life is short.  Play with your cats!!!!




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