Important notes …

This blog will occasionally include posts about feline health and veterinary medicine. These posts will always be well-researched from what I know to be reliable sources (not “Dr. Google”) and will include either reference notes or links to source material.  That being said, I am neither a professional scientist nor a veterinarian, and I can not offer medical advice or make diagnoses.  If you think your cat may be ill or injured, please take it to your personal veterinarian as soon as possible.

I do have over 25 years experience working in small animal veterinary clinics, including several years writing a clinic’s social media posts and newsletters, and a BS degree in biology.  Over the years, I have had cats with diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypertension, kidney failure, and lung disease, so I have a fair idea of how to cope with those conditions, and how to help the pet maintain a good quality of life.  I also have a lifelong passion for cats and their welfare, an inquisitive mind, and a deep love for learning. I hope to convey that in this blog, and also hope to pass along the knowledge that I’ve acquired.  If you have a question, ask it!

In addition, please be advised that except where noted, all photographs that appear on this website and in my blog posts were taken by me and are my exclusive property.   Hopefully you will enjoy these photos, and you may share them with my blog posts using the share links on this site, giving me credit for them; however, use of or duplication of any of these photos without my express and written authorization is strictly prohibited!  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!!!!!